姓名 |
邵薇薇 |
出生年月 |
1981年11月 |
性别 |
女 |
职称 |
正高级工程师 |
职务 |
无 |
研究方向 |
城市水文与水务工程 |
电子邮件 |
shaoww@iwhr.com |
电话 |
010-68781936 |
学术和专业经历 |
2000.09-2004.07 南京大学地球科学系水文与水资源工程专业本科 2004.09-2009.07 清华大学水利水电工程系水文与水资源专业直博 其中,2007.10-2008.04 获国家建设高水平大学奖学金赴东京大学访学 2009.07-2012.12 中国水利水电科学研究院水资源所工程师 2012.12-2018.07 中国水利水电科学研究院水资源所高级工程师 2018.07-至今 中国水利水电科学研究院水资源所正高级工程师 |
研究领域和主要研究成果 |
主要研究领域为城市水文与水务工程,具体研究方向包括:(1)城市洪涝灾害对社会经济影响的动态评估、(2)城市植被生态水文及水碳循环机理研究、(3)海绵城市建设方案及效果研究、(4)城市水资源和应用能源耦合研究等。本人为亚洲大洋洲地球科学学会女科学家联盟(AOGS-WNC)区域顾问,国际水文科学协会中国委员会(CNC-IAHS)分会委员、国际水协(IWA)会员、中国女科技工作者协会会员、中国水利学会专业委员会委员、教育部工程教育专业认证专家、水利水电工程师能力评价考官、《Applied Energy》和《Journal of Environmental Management》等SCI期刊的杰出审稿人、《水利水电技术》等核心期刊的特约审稿人等。主持承担国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金项目、北京市自然科学基金项目、水利部重大课题、国家重点实验室自主研究课题等科研项目20余项,近年来发表论文150余篇,出版专著译著7部,授权发明专利20余项。获得省部级人物奖1项,省部级特等奖1项,省部级一等奖2项,省部级二等奖3项,省部级三等奖1项。 代表性成果列表: [1]. 邵薇薇,邵 蕊,倪广恒,王义成,杨志勇,刘家宏. 北京市主城区高分辨率的城市水碳通量模拟研究. 水利学报,2024, 55(5), 516-527. (EI) [2]. Weiwei Shao, Guang Han, Jiaqi Li, Zhiyong Yang, Jiahong Liu, Tianyin Xu. Establishing a river health evaluation index system for seven rivers in Jiamusi City of China. Water Science & Technology,2024, 89(9), 2255. (SCI) [3]. Rui Shao, Weiwei Shao*, Yicheng Wang. Inferring the influence of urban vegetation on urban water storage capacity from evapotranspiration recession. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129355. (SCI) [4]. 朱雨,邵薇薇,杨志勇*. 海绵设施全生命周期碳排放核算方法研究, 水资源保护, 2023, 39(6), 32-38. (EI) [5]. 邵蕊,邵薇薇*,苏鑫,杨志勇,刘家宏. 基于TELEMAC-2D模型分析不同洪涝情景对城市应急响应时间的影响. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(1), 60-69. (EI) [6]. 邵薇薇, 刘家宏, 王开博, 苏 鑫, 邵 蕊, 梅 超, 李泽锦. 基于情景模拟的城市洪涝交通影响评估. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(10), 1591-1605. (EI) [7]. 苏 鑫, 邵薇薇*, 刘家宏, 蒋云钟, 邵 蕊, 王开博. 基于情景模拟的洪涝灾害经济损失动态评估. 2022, 62(10), 1606-1617. (EI) [8]. Xin Su, Weiwei Shao*, Jiahong Liu a, Yunzhong Jiang, Jia Wang, Zhiyong Yang, Ning Wang. How does sponge city construction affect carbon emission from integrated urban drainage system?Journal of Cleaner Production,2022,363,132595. (SCI) [9]. Rui Shao, Yicheng Wang*, Weiwei Shao*, Guangheng Ni. Assessing the synergistic modulation of evapotranspiration by global impervious surface and vegetation changes. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 327, 109194. (SCI) [10]. Rui Shao, Weiwei Shao, Chunjie Gu, Baoqing Zhang. Increased Interception Induced by Vegetation Restoration Counters Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange Efficiency in China. Earth’s Future, 2022, 10, e2021EF002464. (SCI) [11]. Weiwei Shao, Xin Su, Jie Lu, Jiahong Liu*, Zhiyong Yang, Chao Mei, Chuang Liu, Jiahui Lu. Urban Resilience of Shenzhen City under Climate Change. Atmosphere, 2021, 12: 537. (SCI) [12]. Xin Su, Weiwei Shao* , Jiahong Liu , Yunzhong Jiang, Kaibo Wang. Dynamic Assessment of the Impact of Flood Disaster on Economy and Population under Extreme Rainstorm Events. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13:3924. (SCI) [13]. Weiwei Shao, Xin Su, Jie Lu, Jiahong Liu*, Zhiyong Yang, Yongqiang Cao, Zhaohui Yang, Kaibo Wang. The application of big data in the analysis of the impact of urban floods: A case study of Qianshan River Basin. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1955. (EI) [14]. Weiwei Shao, Jiahong Liu*, Jie Lu, Weijia Li, Zhiyong Yang, Yongqiang Cao, Xin Su. Analysis of water resources supply and demand structure in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region from the perspective of water footprint. International Conference on Smart Transportation and City Engineering, 2021, 120502W. (EI) [15]. 韩松俊, 邵薇薇. 基于互补原理确定黄土高原方程的流域特性参数. 中国水利水电科学研究院学报,2021,19(1), 9-14. (核心) [16]. Weiwei Shao, Haizhen Liu, Haifeng Wang, Jiahong Liu, Dianyi Yan, Weijia Li, Jinjun Zhou, Hao Wang. Evaluation of regional water security in China and recommendations for counter measures. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020, 13: 107. (SCI) [17]. Weiwei Shao, Jinjun Zhou, Jiahong Liu, Penggui Xie, Zhaohui Yang, Weijia Li. Characteristics and effectiveness of water management methods for ‘sponge cities’ in China. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Water Management, 2020, 173(4): 163–171. (SCI) [18]. Jiahong Liu, WeiWei Shao*, Chenyao Xiang, Chao Mei, Zejin Li. Uncertainties of urban flood modeling: Influence of parameters for different underlying surfaces. Environmental Research, 2020, 182, 108929. (SCI) [19]. 刘家宏,邵薇薇,王 浩,李元菲,李维佳. 水资源利用效率频谱分析方法及应用, 水利水运工程学报, 2019, 6, 132-138. (核心) [20]. Weiwei Shao, Yuanfei Li, Jiahong Liu*, Zhiyong Yang, Zhaohui Yang, Yingdong Yu, Penggui Xie. Analysis of The Emission Reduction Effect Of Sewage Treatment During The Construction of a Sponge City In Xiamen. International Conference on Applied Energy, 2019, 739. (EI) [21]. Weiwei Shao, Jiahong Liu*, Denghua Yan, Haixing Zhang, Zhaohui Yang, Guiyu Yang, Fenfen Liu. EPiC Series in Engineering, 2018, 3, 1927-1934. (EI) [22]. Weiwei Shao, Jiahong Liu*, Zhiyong Yang, Zhaohui Yang, Yingdong Yu, Weijia Li. Carbon Reduction Effects of Spongy City Conduction:A Case Study of the City of Xiamen. Energy Procedia, 2018, 152,1045-1051. (EI) [23]. Weiwei Shao, Lin Luo, Jiahua Wang, Jiahong Liu, Jinjun Zhou, Chenyao Xiang, Hao Wang. The coordination of routine and emergency water resources management: progress in China. Water International, 2018,43(7), 943-962. (SCI) [24]. Weiwei Shao, Jiahong Liu, Mingming Zhu, Baisha Weng, Ning Wang, Hao Huang, Yingdong Yu, Dianyi Yan, Shan Jiang. Evaluation of a photovoltaic water-supply scheme for the surface water system in Xiamen, China. Applied Energy, 2018, 230, 357-373. (SCI) [25]. Weiwei Shao, Xiangdong Chen, Zuhao Zhou, Jiahong Liu*, Ziqi Yan, Silan Chen, Jianhua Wang. Analysis of river runoff in the Poyang Lake Basin of China: long-term changes and influencing factors, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2017, 62(4), 575-587. (SCI) [26]. Weiwei Shao, Jinjun Zhou, Jiahong Liu*, Haixing Zhang, Jianhua Wang, Chenyao Xiang, Guiyu Yang, Yun Tang. An Effect Analysis of Comprehensive Treatment of Groundwater Over-Exploitation in Cheng’an County, Hebei Province, China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14, 41. (SCI) [27]. Weiwei Shao, Jingya Cai, Haibing Wu, Jiahong Liu*, Haixing Zhang, Hao Huang. An Assessment of Carbon Storage in China’s Arboreal Forests, Forests, 2017, 8, 110. (SCI) [28]. Weiwei Shao, Zuhao Zhou*, Jiahong Liu, Guiyu Yang, Jianhua Wang, Chenyao Xiang, Xiaolei Cao, Haizhen Liu. Changing mechanisms of agricultural water use in the urbanization and industrialization of China, Water Policy, 2017, 19, 908-935. (SCI) [29]. Weiwei Shao, Jie Feng, Jiahong Liu, Guiyu Yang, Zhiyong Yang, Jianhua Wang. Research on the Status of Water Conservation in the thermal power industry in China. Energy Procedia, 2017, 105, 3068-3074. (EI) [30]. 邵薇薇, 张海行, 刘家宏, 杨志勇, 丁相毅, 吉梦喆, 王宁, 陈强. 丘陵区海绵城市建设模式研究——以凤凰县为例.水利水电技术, 2017, 48(5), 6-13. (核心) |