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Jia Yangwen
Brief Introduction of Jia Yangwen

Name of


Jia Yangwen

Date of


Sep. 1965



Professional Title




Deputy Director of the Department of Water Resources



Hydrology and Water Resources






Academic and Professional Experience

Educational Background:

1994-1997, the University of Tokyo, Japan, PhD

1986-1988, Tsinghua University, China, Master Degree of Engineering

1981-1986, Tsinghua University, China, Bachelor Degree of Engineering

Professional Experience:

2006-present, Professor, Department of Water Resources, China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research (IWHR), Beijing, China

2002-2006, Senior Engineer, Department of Water Resources, China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research (IWHR), Beijing, China

1999-2002, JST Research Fellow and PWRI Professional Research Fellow, Department of River, Public Works Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan

1997-1998, Engineer, Dep. of River Planning, INA Co Ltd, Tokyo, Japan

1989-1994, Engineer, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing, China

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Research Interests:

Hydrology and water resources, including physically-based distributed hydrological models, water resources assessment and water resources allocation, integrated simulation and regulation of water cycle, water environment and eco-hydrology in river basins, and integrated water resources management et al.

Academic Achievements:

His main contributions include development of applications of the physical-based distributed watershed model WEP, eco-hydrological modelling, and water resources assessment and planning in various types of river basins. He has published over 200 academic papers and 12 books. He had ever got the National Award for Science and Technology Progress for 2 items, and the Special Allowance of the State Council of China.


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