Master’s Programs for International Graduate Students at China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research

To enhance the internationalization and the quality of graduate education, the provision is formulated according to the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degree and Provisional Measures for the Implementation of Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China promulgated by the State Council, Regulations of International Students Admission and Training Management jointly issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security, Higher Education Quality Standards for International Students in China (on Trial) issued by the Ministry of Education, as well as relevant documents released by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the Ministry of Education, combined with the practical circumstances of IWHR.

1. Training Objective

The objective of the international postgraduate education of IWHR is to foster top academic talents that acquire solid basic theories with systematic and disciplinary knowledge of hydraulic engineering, understanding of the past, the present, and the development trend of the subject, along with a good international view, honest scientific spirit and proactive collaboration skills. Through the training, he/she is supposed to acquire the ability to carry out scientific research or undertake special technical work independently, and also be acquainted with the Chinese culture, capable of having daily conversations in Chinese and conducting academic communication in English.

2. Study Duration

International master students bear a standard study duration of 3 years, which can be shortened properly according to their training situation, with the shortened period up to half a year at most. In principle, graduation deferment is not allowed for international master students. Those who have exceeded standard study duration will not receive scholarships from IWHR and their residence permit or visa will not get extended.

3. Study Programs

IWHR’s master program in English for international students are listed below:

1) Geotechnical Engineering (081401)

2) Hydrology and Water Resources (081501)

3)  Hydraulics and River Dynamics (081502)

4)  Hydraulic Structure Engineering (081503)

5)  Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering (081504)

6)  Hydro-Environment (0815Z1)

7)  Hydroinformatics (0815Z2)

8)  Water Disaster and Security (0815Z3)

4. Training Plan

Training plan for international master students comprises of course study plan and thesis research plan, which should be determined under the guidance of the supervisor after discussing with the students, with instructions to the students to fill in the training plan that can be found in China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Interim Provisions for Training of International Students of Master Program (Appendix 1). The training plan, after signed by the supervisor, should be turned in to Graduate School for filing.

5. Course Study and Credits

The courses for international master students, which will be taught in English, comprise of compulsory courses, electives, academic and practical activities, details can be found in the course list for each program (Appendix 2). The course study requires sufficient credits to be obtained, to be accurate at least 26 credits for each international master student.

Chinese Language and Introduction to China are compulsory courses for international master students pursuing degrees. Students who have reached level 4 or above of Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages, can be exempted from Chinese Language and Introduction to China.

6. Language Ability

International master students who have taken full-English studies are required to reach level 3 or above of Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages.

7. Paper Publication

Before applying for a master's degree, the candidate must publish at least one academic paper related to his/her thesis on national core journals of science and technology, official academic journals of other countries, or national and international academic conference proceedings (ISTP-indexed proceedings included). The student has to be the lead author or the second author if the lead author is his or her supervisor. The author's first unit shall be China Institute of Water Recourses and Hydropower Research.

8. Thesis

1) The thesis of international master students must meet the requirements for thesis proposal, mid-term assessment, thesis review, and thesis defense.

2) The thesis abstract must be written in both Chinese and English.

3) The thesis defense for international master students should be conducted referring to China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Regulations on Thesis Defense for International Master Students.

9. Degree Conferment

The master students who have passed their respective theses defenses should submit their applications for master degrees to IWHR Board of Academic Degree Assessment and will be awarded master degrees if their applications are reviewed and approved by the Board of Academic Degree Assessment.

10. Others

This program performs jointly with China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Interim Provisions for Training of International Students of Master Program and other related regulations.

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