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Li Yinong
Brief Introduction of Li Yinong

Name of


Li Yinong

Date of


Feb. 1963



Professional Title




Director of the Department of Irrigation and Drainage



Surface irrigation and agricultural water management






Academic and Professional Experience

Sept. 1980-July 1985, in Department of Water Conservancy Engineering, Tsinghua University, receiving bachelor degree.

Sept. 1985-July 1988, in Department of Irrigation and Drainage, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, receiving Master degree.

Aug. 1988-now, Working in department of Irrigation and Drainage, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, and

Jan. 1994-Dec. 1998, in Department of Agriculture Engineering, Institute of High Agriculture, Technical University of Lisbon, receiving Ph. D.

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Prof. Li Yinong graduated from Tsinghua University in 1985. Then he joined into the Department of Irrigation and Drainage, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) from 1985 until now. He got Master degree in 1988 in IWHR and Ph. D. in 2000 in Technical University of Lisbon.

His works are related with the water saving irrigation technology, especially on the surface irrigation and agricultural water management. The major research directions are:

(1) basic theoretical research, including the field evaluation methods about the surface irrigation performances, description and simulation of the field microtopography condition and its effect on the surface irrigation performance, feedback control technology for surface irrigation, the monitoring and measuring and controlling technology for irrigation system;

 (2)application technology research, including laser-controlled land leveling technology, precision surface irrigation technology, high efficiency for both water and fertilizer application technology under surface irrigation condition;

(3)development of surface irrigation devices, including development of the field water flowing monitor device, development of the field control device and the fertilizer device for surface irrigation.

Li is author or coauthor of more than 80 refereed articles, conference proceeding papers and book chapters. He is also listed as an inventor on 7 patents both in China and American.

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