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Peng Wenqi
Brief Introduction of Peng Wenqi

Name of


Peng Wenqi

Date of


Dec. 1967



Professional Title




Director of the Department of Water Environment, IWHR



Water Environmental Management,surface water quality modeling





Academic and Professional Experience

1)1985-1989, bachelor of water conservancy and civil engineering at China Agricultural University.

2)1989-1992, master of Environmental Hydraulics and Computation Hydraulics at Wuhan Water Conservancy and Electric Power University (now Wuhan University);

3)1992-1994, engineering doctor of Hydraulics and River Dynamics at Wuhan Water Conservancy and Electric Power University (now Wuhan University);

4)2016.12 and 2017.12, Senior Visiting Scholar at Helmholtz Environmental Research Center, Germany.

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



His main expertise is in mechanism and regulation technology of water environment and water ecological process in river basin. He presided over a large number of major national and provincial science and technology projects.

He has made a series of achievements in watershed water environment model, watershed water quality target management, River and lake health assessment and watershed water ecological restoration. His research results play an important role in supporting science and technology in the country's most stringent water resources management system, river basin water resources protection and water pollution prevention and control planning and management, water ecological protection and restoration, etc.

He has published more 12 books, presided over the compilation of 7 national or  MWR standards, and published more than 100 papers. He has won one second prize for national scientific and technological progress, three first prizes for provincial and ministerial scientific and technological progress and three second prizes for provincial and ministerial scientific and technological progress.

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