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Lei Xiaohui
Brief Introduction of Lei Xiaohui

Name of


Lei Xiaohui

Date of


Oct. 1974



Professional Title




Director of the Water Resources Operation Office at Department of Water Resources



Hydrology and Water Resources

Water System Operations








Academic and Professional Experience

2017-present: IAHR Water System Operations Workgroup, Chairman.

2018-present: Associate editor of Journal of Hydrology and WST: Water Supply.

April 2007-Present: Professorate Senior Engineer (2012-present) and Senior Engineer (2007-2012), Department of Water Resources, IWHR, China.

Mar 2007, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan, Water Environment Restoration, Ph.D.

Apr 2001, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), Beijing, China, Hydrology and Water Resources, M.S.

July 1998, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Hydraulic Engineering, B.S.

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Recent researches include: Medium-and long-term/short-term meteorological and hydrological forecasting; Numerical simulation of river/canal/lake/reservoir water dynamics and water ecology; Optimized scheduling of complex water resource systems; Multi-objective operation and real-time control of reservoirs; Water quantity, quality and ecology joint scheduling and automatic control of gates and pumps; Planning and joint operation of hydro-wind-solar hybrid system; Operation and risk control of complex hydropower energy systems; Software development for systematic scheduling of water resources.

In the past five years, the relevant academic achievements have won 1 First Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award   (ranking 15), 5 First Prize of Provincial Award (ranking 1, 2, 3, 3, 10) and 5 Second Prize of Provincial Award (ranking 1, 2, 4, 5, 5); published 88 SCI papers, of which 43 are first authors and corresponding authors; owns a total of 64 patents and 42 software copyrights; publishes four monographs as the first author.

Currently is the associate editor of the SCI journal of Journal of Hydrology (JOH), Water Science and Technology: Water Supply; chairman of IAHR Water System Operations Working Group, chairman of CHINCOLD Professional Committee on Watershed Hydrology and Regulation

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