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Guo Xinlei
Brief Introduction of Guo Xinlei

Name of


Guo Xinlei

Date of


Dec. 1980



Professional Title




Director of the Hydraulic Control Group









Academic and Professional Experience

B.S. , Water Supply And Drainage, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China, 1999-2003

M.S. , Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University, China, 2003-2005

Ph.D., Hydraulics, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), 2005-2008

International exchanges in Hydraulics, Deltares, Netherlands, 2010, 2016, short-term

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



The applicant has been engaged in research on river ice dynamics and hydraulic control mechanisms. He has developed hydraulic simulation models and control methods with regard to a long distance, pressure, and nonpressure water diversion project, which has been applied in the operations of other major water conveyance projects—such as the South-to-North Water Diversion project—and which provides direct support for water transfer in winter.

Additionally, he has identified the mechanisms pertaining to the ice processes, including the ice-cover formation, development, melting, and breakup. He has also developed the numerical modeling system as well as the scientific criterion and control method which have been extensively applied in the ice disaster prevention of the Heilongjiang and the Yellow rivers with marked effects.

Professor Guo has published 60 research papers that have been cited in the SCI and EI databases and has secured 41 national invention patents. He has been the recipient of the Second Prize of State Science and Technology Progress Awards, and has won five prizes at the provincial and ministerial levels. He has been the keynote speaker at numerous academic conferences in China and abroad. He has also been appointed to three national academic organizations, including IAHR, and the Hydraulic Committee of CHES, as the secretary-general of their second-level agencies.

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