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Philippe Gourbesville
Brief Introduction of Philippe Gourbesville

Name of


Philippe Gourbesville

Date of


April 27th, 1964



Professional Title







Hydroinformatics methodologies and tools, Modeling and simulation tools for water related processes, Decision Support System, Extreme flood hazard analysis and resilience assessment, Crisis management and Decision Support Systems (DSS)





Academic and Professional Experience

05/1993, PhD, Louis Pasteur University – Strasbourg I, Strasbourg (France), Hydrology, hydraulics (free surface flows) & hydroinformatics

05/2005, Research Habilitation, University of Nice – Sophia Antipolis, Hydroinformatics, Hydrology and Hydraulics modelling

Sep 1997–Present, Full Professor of Hydroinformatics

University Nice Sophia Antipolis / Polytech Nice Sophia, Nice (France)

Jul 2004–Present, Coordinator Erasmus Mundus joint master degree EuroAquae+, https://www.euroaquae.eu

Sep 2007–Sep 2017, Director of Polytech Nice Sophia (Graduate School of Engineering), University Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice (France)

Jul 2002–Sep 2007, Dean of Faculty of Geographic Sciences

University Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice (France)

Sep 1988–Aug 1997, Project Manager. Sogeti Counsulting, 387, rue des Champs 76231 Bois-Guillaume (France), Hydraulic/Environment department

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Research Interests: Digital water modeling, ICT solutions, VR technology applications, flood risk management, resilience assessment and intelligent water resources and other hydroinformatics related fields

Prof. Gourbesville has undertaken several key scientific and technological R&D projects under the framework of the EU, including STIC Asie, EU-FP6, FP7 and dip2020 (H2020), etc.

He has also been a national project leader for 67 times and an international project leader for 15 times, with publications of 7 books and 223 journal articles, serving as a guest professor in 21 international universities and a member of the committees of several international organizations, including WMO.

He is the chairman of the SHF, honorary chairman of IAHR & IWA, founder and vice chairman of the Asian Water Council, editor-in-chief and chief editor of 3 international SCI journals, and reviewer of 16 SCI journals. He was awarded “Knight in Order of Academic Palms” by French government in 2009, and “Hydrotechnic Grand Prix” by SHF in 2011.

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