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Zhao Hongli
Brief Introduction of Zhao Hongli

Name of


Zhao Hongli

Date of


March. 1973



Professional Title




Director of the Hydroinformatics Office at Department of Water Resources



Water resources remote sensing, Hydroinformatics






Academic and Professional Experience

1992-1996, department of hydrology, Hohai University, bachelor.

1996-1999, department of water resources, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, master.

2000.4-2000.7, “Integrated management of basin water resources” training course, Lund University, SIDA.

2008.5, "Ecological management: strategy and policy" advanced training course, Chinese academy of social sciences and Italian Ministry of Environment, Territory and Oceans.

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Mainly engaged in the research of water resources remote sensing and hydroinformatics. In direction of water resources remote sensing, focuses on the satellite remote sensing monitoring technology for the view of water resources management, Satellite and ground collaborative monitoring network construction technology, water cycle multi-factor data assimilation technology, etc., Using satellite remote sensing monitoring to improve the data acquisition capacity of  water and water quality, agricultural water, improve the accuracy and timeliness of water resources management; In the direction of hydroinformatics, focuses on data mining based on big data such as water use behavior analysis and water resource knowledge map construction, so as to provide multi-source and intelligent information service technology for water resource management.

Representive publications:

1.      Continuous Daily Evapotranspiration Estimation at the Field-Scale over Heterogeneous Agricultural Areas by Fusing ASTER and MODIS Data. Remote Sensing. 2018, 10, 1694.

2.      Correlation Analysis Between Groundwater Decline TrendandHuman-InducedFactorsinBashangRegion, Water 2019, 11, 473.

3.      Estimating Winter Wheat Area Based on an SVM and the Variable Fuzzy Set Method, Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018,10,343.

4.      Daily Evapotranspiration Estimation at the Field Scale: Using the Modified SEBS Model and HJ-1 Data in a Desert-Oasis Area, Northwestern China. Water 2018, 10(5), 640.

5.      Remote sensing of water quality based on HJ-1A HSI imagery with modified discrete binary particle swarm optimization-partial least squares (MDBPSO-PLS) in inland waters: A case in Weishan Lake. Ecological Informatics, 2018, 44, 21-32.

6.      Analysis of Seasonal Grassland Change and Its Drivers During 1982?2006 in Xinjiang, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2017, 70(4): 422-429.

7.      The System Architecture of Smart Water Grid for Water Security, Procedia Engineering, 2016,154:361-368.

8.      Research and application on the coupled method of remote-sensing and ground-monitoring of reservoir storage capacity[C].Water Resources and Environment Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Water Resources and Environment,CRC Press 2015,2015,10:347-354.

9.      A WebGIS-based system for rainfall-runoff prediction and real-time water resources assessment for Beijing, Computers & Geosciences, 35 (2009) 1517–1528.

10.  Assessment of hydrologic model structure based on parameter identifiability,International symposium on flood forecasting and water resources assessment for IAHS-PUB, 2006.

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