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Liu Xiaoying
Brief Introduction of Liu Xiaoying

Name of


Liu Xiaoying

Date of





Professional Title




Deputy Division Chief of the IRTCES



Soil and water conservation and desertification control






Academic and Professional Experience

1981.9.1-1985.7.1.B.S.Beijing Forestry University with subject of soil and water conservation;

2004.9.1-2009.1.1.Phd. Beijing Forestry University with subject of soil and water conservation and desertification

1988.6.20-1988.9.16.Jaroslavia Cerni Institute of Water Resources Engineering, and UNESCO (Yugoslavia) with subject of water resources engineering.

1994.1.14-1994.2.10.SABO Technical Centre, and Japan-JICA with subject of soil and water conservation held in Indonesia.

1995.1.23-1995.2.4.FAO funded training workshop on faming system approaches held in Philippine.

1997.5.5-1997.5.17.UNDP, FAO and UNIDO funded training course on participatory approaches held in Thailand.

1998.4.3-1998.4.10.FAO and ICIMOD sponsored training workshop on participatory watershed management held in Nepal.

2002.5.7-2002.5.10.IAEA sponsored training workshop on sediment transport technology held in India.

2018.6.10-15.UNESCO sponsored 23rd session of the IHP Intergovernmental Council and 1st Water Science-Policy Interface Colloquium held in Paris.

2018.6.19-26.Academic exchange with RI.SE-Research Institute of Sweden and SP-Group and University of Oslo, Norway.

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Prof. Liu is mainly involved in research on soil and water conservation and desertification control and ecological environment. This research is an important technological support for ecological civilization and will greatly promote the development of soil and water conservation progress. I presided over many research subjects on soil and water conservation and desertification control sponsored by UNESCO,WB,ADB and the Chinese government, such as the database and model of key technologies of wind erosion in construction projects,  WB-watershed management model research, Chinese Government funded global ecological technology assessment, etc. and I have achieved many accomplishments in this field.

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