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Zhong Hong
Brief Introduction of Zhong Hong

Name of


Zhong Hong

Date of


March 1981



Professional Title







Seismic aspects of concrete dams






Academic and Professional Experience

2018.1~ now, Associate Professor & Professor, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research

2008.11~2018.1, Lecturer & Associate Professor, Dalian University of Technology

2012.6~2013.5, Academic visit to University of New South Wales, Australia

2009.6, 2010.10, Academic visit to Aachen University of Technology, Germany       

2003.9~2008.10, PhD, Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology

1999.9~2003.7, B.Eng., Hydraulic & Hydroelectric Engineering,Tianjin University

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Prof. Hong Zhong obtained her Bachelor of Engineering from Tianjin University and Doctor of Engineering from Dalian University of Technology (DLUT). After working in DLUT for almost ten years, she joined China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research. Her research interests cover different subjects in the seismic aspect of concrete dams, including damage process simulation, seismic risk analysis, and particularly nonlinear analysis of the dam in the framework of fracture mechanics. With the continuous support from National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), she as well as her research group have been working on the research of concrete/rock interfacial fracture, including both experiment and numerical simulation. She would like to welcome students interested in this area to work together to form a framework for seismic analysis of concrete dams based on fracture mechanics theory. She has been the principal investigator of three NSFC projects, and has published more than 60 peer-reviewed journal papers.

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