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Wang Zhenhong
Brief Introduction of Wang Zhenhong

Name of


Wang Zhenhong

Date of


Aug. 1976



Professional Title




Director of Concrete Cracking Simulation Laboratory



Hydrostatic Structure






Academic and Professional Experience

1998.09-2002.07 North China University of Water Resource and Electric Power, Hydrostatic, Bachelor

2002.09-2005.07 North China University of Water Resource and Electric Power, Hydrostatic, Master

2005.09-2009.03 Hohai University Hydrostatic Structure ,Doctor

2009.03-2011.07China Institute of Water Resource and hydropower  Research, Hydrostatic Structure,Post-doctor

2011.07-2017.05 China Institute of Water Resource and hydropower  Research, Hydrostatic Structure,Associate Professor

2017.06-now China Institute of Water Resource and hydropower  Research, Hydrostatic Structure,Professor

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



In IWHR, Prof. Wang is engaged in the research of temperature control and crack prevention of mass concrete, computer numerical simulation, digital monitoring of concrete construction, temperature control parameter test, etc.

As project director, has led and participated in more than 40 scientific research projects, and also been involved in the research on longitudinal topics, including the major national R&D projects in the 11th, 12th and 13th Five-Year Plan, and made remarkable achievements in scientific research. As the director of the laboratory of Yanqing Experimental Base of the Institute, he is responsible for the design, construction and management of the laboratory, which has been completed and put into operation.

More than 40 papers have been published in related fields, of which over 20 are SCI/EI retrieval. He has finished 1 technical standard for the south-to-north water diversion project, and won 2 special prizes and 3 first prizes on hydroelectric power science and technology. Total patents obtained or applying for is 86; and he has got 8 software copyrights. The research conclusions and suggestions have been applied in practical engineering, and brought about remarkable social and economic benefits.

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