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Mu Jianxin
Brief Introduction of Mu Jianxin

Name of


Mu Jianxin

Date of


Aug. 1970



Professional Title







Climate change, water resources management, irrigation and drainage, food security







Academic and Professional Experience

Jianxin Mu received her PhD degree from School of Environmental Science, Charles Sturt University based in Australia. She had been visiting scientist of the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO, Australia) and Lisbon Technical University.

Brief Introduction to Research Interests and



Prof. Mu had ever acted as the Executive Secretary of Chinese National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (CNCID) for over ten years.

She was awarded the CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement - Water for a Healthy Country Flagship for research that has significantly advanced the sustainable management of Australia’s water resources, specifically within the irrigation sector in year 2007 and got the best paper award for the paper Integrated water assessment model for water budgeting under future development scenarios in Qiantang river basin of China published in the international journal of Irrigation and Drainage in year 2009.

She had published over thirty papers in international journals, international conferences and Chinese journals. As project leaders, she have completed many research projects related on water budgeting, hydrologic modeling, adaptation/resilience to climate change, integrated water resources management, food security and water policies.

She also have very rich experiences in international cooperation and have completed many projects financed by the World Bank, EU, FAO, the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) and ACIAR. She had attended and made presentation in over twenty international conferences of ICID, MODSIM and ASABE et al.

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