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The First International Exchange Program of IWHR Officially Started

On March 11th, 2024, the first international exchange program of IWHR held its opening ceremony in Room 714 at the Graduate School. Vice president of IWHR Prof. Wang Jianhua and IAHR president Prof. Phillipe Gourbesville attended and delivered speeches. Deans of the Graduate School and director of the Division of International Cooperation, as well as the exchange students from University of C?te d'Azur and IWHR international students, participated in the opening ceremony.

First, Prof. Wang Jianhua warmly welcomed the exchange students who had traveled a long way to China for study, and then introduced the basic information of IWHR. He hoped that the students from around the world can exchange cultures and ideas, and build friendships at IWHR. Over the next three months, through learning and discussion, they would gain the latest scientific knowledge and practical skills in the field of hydroinformatics and water management.

Vice president of IWHR Prof. Wang Jianhua delivering a speech

Next, Prof. Philippe Gourbesville stressed that, the first group of exchange students from University of C?te d'Azur, as pioneers coming to IWHR for exchange studies, would experience China's unique water management concepts, learn cutting-edge water information management technologies, and immerse themselves in the distinctive Chinese culture.


IAHR president Prof. Phillipe Gourbesville delivering a speech

This exchange program will last for 3 months, mainly offering 6 English courses in the field of hydroinformatics and water management. 5 graduate students from France joined the program and IWHR international students will also attend the lectures throughout. During the exchange, research practices and cultural excursions will also be arranged, including teaching at relevant engineering sites, visiting to the places of Chinese history and culture, and participating in the 15th International Conference on Hydroinformatics.

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