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IWHR Held the first “Language Corner” Event for Graduate Students

On April 18th 2024, the first “Language Corner” event for graduate students was successfully held in Room 714 of IWHR Graduate School. Over 20 Chinese and international students participated in the event.

The theme for this time was “Stories of Water Conservancy Around Me”. Students were randomly divided into three groups, and after the icebreaking within the group, students engaged in discussions and exchanges on the topic. Following this, representatives from each group took turns to share their discussions on stage.

To increase the interactivity of the event, the second session was to have each group take turns to play the “Telephone Charades” game. Chinese and international students sat alternately, and the host presented a professional water-related word to the first student, who then conveyed it to the next student through gestures or language that didn’t involve the word itself. This process continued until the last student wrote or drew the result on the blackboard. During this session, all students participated actively with excellent communication and expressive abilities.

At the end of the event, the students were still immersed in the friendly atmosphere of exchange and discussion, reluctant to leave. They took group photos to capture the memorable moments. The successful organization of Language Corner event has enhanced communication and exchange between Chinese and international students of our institute, ushering in a new bridge for cultural understanding and further enriching the campus life of IWHR.

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