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Staff and Graduates of IWHR Participated in HydroAsia 2024

On August 2-10, 2024, the HydroAsia 2024 program was held in Incheon, Korea. More than 60 supervisors and students from 19 universities of different countries, including IWHR, Incheon National University, Korea University, Kyoto University, Catholic Parahyangan University, Wuhan University, Nankai University, Hohai University, and National Taiwan Ocean University, etc., participated in the event.

This year’s HydroAsia lasted for 9 days, the students carried out model analysis of hydrology, hydrodynamics, urban pipe network and water quality, and proposed corresponding mitigation and ecological restoration solutions based on the flood mitigation and ecological restoration of Seung-gi River basin near Incheon, South Korea as a case study. A total of 9 graduates and 4 supervisors of IWHR participated in the event this year. Prof. Philippe GOURBESVILLE attended the opening ceremony, closing and awarding ceremony. The Green team led by Guowei LU, a Master student of IWHR, won the "Best Team" in this event.

The HydroAsia program aims to provide prospective engineers with a new teaching method based on the concept of engineering collaboration and "problem-oriented project learning" to jointly discuss water problems in Asia. Since its launch in 2006 and sponsored by Incheon National University of Korea, HydroAsia has attracted students and teachers from universities around the world majoring in water resources and environment. The program takes the form of professional lectures, case studies, group discussions, field visits, and cultural exchanges, which greatly enhance students' professional skills in collaborating on complex practical water problems in a multicultural, multilingual environment. Through the experience of a series of activities, young staff and students from IWHR have been significantly improved in the aspects of theoretical and practical professional knowledge, foreign exchange and collaboration ability, and at the same time, they had also expanded their international vision and gained precious international friendship.

Group photo

IWHR supervisors tutoring the students

IWHR graduates participating in group study and discussion


Field trip


      描述已自动生成  卢文静(指导教师):HydroAsia2024是一次难忘的交流经历,我很荣幸以导师的身份参与这个为期9天的活动,我们与来自世界各地的学生和导师组成多国联合学习小组,共同完成了专业讲座、团队作业和实地考察等多项任务,提升了解决水灾害问题的专业能力,结识了很多充满活力的朋友,为未来与其他国际合作机构青年人员间交流互访积累了宝贵经验。
      描述已自动生成  侯伟亚(指导教师):HydroAsia2024,九日时光如白驹过隙,却在我心中镌刻下难忘印记。以导师身份参与,我深感荣幸,与全国各地青年并肩,共赴知识盛宴。多国联队,思想碰撞,专业讲座启迪智慧,团队作业锤炼协作,实地考察深实践。此程加深了我对专业知识应用的理解,也让我结识了一群充满活力的伙伴。展望未来,这段经历如同桥梁,连接着更广阔的国际舞台,为青年交流互访铺设了坚实的基石。
      描述已自动生成  马欣怡(23级硕士班):首先非常荣幸能够参与HydroAsia2024,在此次活动中,我学到了很多新知识和技能,也与来自不同国家、不同专业的小组成员进行深入的讨论,使我对本次活动的内容有了更加深刻的了解。同时感谢参与本次活动的所有老师以及志愿者!期待未来有更多类似的机会,同时也祝愿HydroAsia活动越办越好!
      描述已自动生成  卢国伟(23级硕士班):参加HydroAsia2024活动让我感触良多,我们团队由来自中国、日本、韩国、印尼的学生组成,这种跨文化的合作不仅让我在专业知识上得到了极大的提升,还大大锻炼了我的语言能力和团队协作能力。衷心感谢Incheon National University和研究生院的所有老师和志愿者!特别感谢刘昌军老师与马强老师给予我参加此次活动的机会!
   何欣航(23级硕士班): HydroAsia活动不仅是一个实践项目,更是将书本知识转化为实际应用的过程。尽管每个小组的基本资料相同,但通过最终的精彩汇报,我深刻体会到,不同小组在思考问题和解决问题的方式方法上各有千秋,这种交流学习的过程极具价值。
    陈欣(22级硕士班):参加HydroAsia 2024项目是一次难得的机会。作为红队组长,我在团队合作中提升了组织协调能力,并通过国际交流强化了英语沟通能力,同时也发现自己仍需提升的方面。此次跨学科的研究经历让我深刻体会到团队协作的重要性,也坚定了我参与更多国际活动的决心。我衷心希望HydroAsia越办越好,成为更多水利人学习和交流的宝贵平台。
      描述已自动生成  肖诗婷(23级硕士班):HydroAsia让我再一次明白那句话:工程师要到实地去。做有意义的研究,得到有实际工程价值的结果,这将会是我一生的课题。在这个国际文化交流的平台,和来自不同国家的组员一起工作的这段时间也会是我最宝贵的回忆。
      描述已自动生成   Imurana Abdul-Aziz (22级国际生): HydroAsia 2024 was an inspiring journey into water resource challenges, enhancing our technical skills and cross-cultural teamwork. Engaging with diverse students through tools like HEC-HMS and SWMM, we transformed theory into practice. The experience forged lasting friendships and motivated us to pursue global opportunities.
      描述已自动生成  Nebiyou Kassahun(21级国际生): Hydro Asia 2024 was an incredible educational experience! It blended hands-on design work with exciting field visits alongside our mentors. The chance to collaborate with professionals and students from a range of professional and cultural backgrounds made the whole experience even more exciting and unforgettable.


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