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Notice on IWHR 2020 International Students Online Interview

According to the IWHR International Students Admission Plan 2020, the entrance interview is now scheduled as follows,

1         Interview Time and Approach

The interview is now scheduled on August 1st, 2020, starting at 1:00 pm.

The interview will be conducted online remotely only.

2         Interview Preparation and Notes

2.1        The applicants should download and get familiar with the online interview app“Tencent Meeting” on their own computer.

2.2        Meeting No. For the TEST Interview (For testing and calibrating the devices only!) :

837 467 540, scheduled on July 31st, 13:30 – 16:30.

Meeting No. For the FORMAL Interview (Formal Interview) :

830 351 408, scheduled on August 1st, 12:30 – 19:00.

2.3        Each applicant should ensure the safety and stability of their own internet and devices; during the interview time, please stay online, wait for the invitation and then join the interview room.

3         Interview Contents and the Whole Process

3.1        Interview Order

The interview order will be determined by the applicants’ initials.

3.2        Comprehensive Ability Interview

The interview will be fully organized by the Graduate School of IWHR, designed to test the applicants’ ability in the field of language level and communication skills, academic potential, utilization of learned knowledge, research and innovation capability and understanding of the up-to-date scientific progress in their field. The interviewers will also take into account the condition of the applicants’ materials, and then a comprehensive assessment will be conducted to determine if the applicant should be qualified as a research student in the aspect of scientific literacy and potential for future development.

Interview time for each applicant will be around 30min, with a maximum score of 100. Each applicant is expected to prepare a slide(PPT) for his/her self-introduction, with the time limited around 5–8min. The self-introduction should include: the applicant’s basic information, academic background, the researches he/she has done during his/her last period of study, personal academic research interests, research achievements and awards, study and research plans if he/she was admitted into IWHR as graduate student. The interviewers will raise questions about the self-introduction and the applicants’ submitted materials, and this section is estimated to be around 20min.

4         Inquiry Contact

Tel: 010 - 6878 5069, 010 – 6878 6859.

Graduate School of China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research






一、        面试时间和方式



二、        面试准备及注意事项


2.面试设备测试会议号:837 467 540  测试会议室开放时间:7月31日13:30-16:30;

正式面试会议号:830 351 408,会议室开放时间:8月1日12:30-19:00。

3. 每位考生应保证面试网络及设备的正常运转;面试期间,请全部考生提前在候考区候考,待正式邀请后进入会场面试。

三、        面试内容及流程






四、        考生咨询电话





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