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Notice on the 2022 Prospective Admission List of International Students

According to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and the admission procedures for international students of IWHR, following a comprehensive review by the International Students Education Management Committee and subsequent approval by the IWHR Administrative Council, the proposed list of international students admitted for 2022 is hereby publicly announced as follows:

No. Name Study Catogory Nationality

Scholarship Supervisor Programs
1 Shah Shoukat Ali
Doctor Pakistan
Level Ⅰ WANG Yicheng
Hydrology and Water Resources

Pandey Kamal Prasad

Nepal Level Ⅰ PENG Wenqi
3 Nada Ali Mohammed Ali
Doctor Egypt Level Ⅰ LIU Jiahong
Hydrology and Water Resources
4 Baah Wambley Adomako
Ghana Level Ⅰ JIA Jinsheng

Hydraulic Structure Engineering
5 Abbas Haider
Level Ⅰ WANG Yicheng
Water Disaster and Security
6 Mondal Arghya Uthpal
Bangladesh Level Ⅰ LI Bingqi
Geotechnical Engineering
7 Elkollaly Mohamed Said Mohamed
Level Ⅰ LIU Jiahong
Hydrology and Water Resources
8 Naeem Muhammad
Doctor Pakistan
Level Ⅰ LIU Jiahong
Hydrology and Water Resources
9 Mohamed Abubaker Ahmed Mohamed Salih
Sudan Level Ⅰ DENG Gang
Geotechnical Engineering

Abdul-Aziz Imurana

Doctor Ghana  Level Ⅰ  CAO Wenhong Hydraulics and River Dynamics
11 Adnan Muhammad
Master Pakistan  Level Ⅰ JIANG Furen Water Disaster and Security 

Golder Md Sabbir Hossen

Master Bangladesh Level Ⅰ DENG Gang   Geotechnical Engineering
13 Alam Md Shahin Master Bangladesh Level Ⅰ  PAN Luoping  Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering

Public notice period: 10 working days (August 9th, 2022 to August 23rd, 2022).
Contacts for supervision:
Office of International Students Affairs, Graduate School: 010 - 6878 6907; 010 - 6878 6859
Division of Supervision and Audit, IWHR: 010 - 6878 6236

Graduate School of China Institute of   

Water Resources and Hydropower Research

August 9th, 2022            


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