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Notice on inviting young staff and postgraduates to participate in HydroAsia 2023 Study Group

What is HydroAsia? HydroAsia is an innovative intensive course dedicated to research water issues in Asia and based on the collaborative engineering concept.

HydroAsia has been initiated in 2006 following the HydroEurope experience (https://hydroeurope.org), developed by the EuroAquae consortium (https://www.euroaquae.eu) and hosted by Incheon National University, Korea. The purpose of HydroAsia is to invite international teams to work on a specific water issue (eg. floods and inundations) and to offer practical solutions for mitigating its negative effect. The analysis of the case study is supposed to be conducted with various hydro-informatic tools (hydrological and hydraulic models). Quality of results, best strategy, and uncertainties within data are some of the topics, which will be discussed with your team members and the tutors who are supporting the activities. The main goal of HydroAsia is to develop competences in hydrological/hydraulic modelling and techniques for teamwork, and coordination in international environment. The annual HydroAsia event invites about 60 participants from around 12 nationalities. The event will last 5 days this year combining special lectures, teamwork, and field trip.

HydroAsia 2023 Research and Training courses are arranged as follows:

When?  August 7 to August 11,2023;

Where?  Incheon National University, Korea;

What will you learn? In terms of the topic of flood mitigation and ecological restoration of Seung-gi Stream(in the suburbs of Incheon, South Korea), participants will be divided into several groups and participate in a number of relevant thematic sessions. Each group is required to analyze past flood events (including inundated areas and their damages), build hydrological and hydraulic models to simulate observed flood events, and propose corresponding mitigation and ecological restoration solutions.

Who will be invited? IWHR plans to invite a group of 12 to 16 members to Korea, including 4 to 5 young staff (as guidance experts), 1 international expert and 8 to 10 international and Chinese graduate students.

Who pays? The cost of young staff shall be borne by their research projects, and the cost of students shall be borne by their supervisors. The Incheon National University provides free accommodation for 2 students/room and 1 staff/room.

What you will gain? Students will conduct research under the guidance of experts (including experts from IWHR), get friends from different countries within the field of water conservancy, expand the network of water conservancy research, get more information about other water-related institutions in Asia, and accumulate working and learning experience under multi-national and multicultural backgrounds.

In addition, young staff of IWHR will obtain a HydroAsia guidance expert certificate and 60 credits learning hours; Students will receive the study certificate issued by the sponsor, and an academic exchange experience for postgraduate students.


Places are limited, please contact Graduate School to apply, and send the application form (attachment 1) to graduateoffice@iwhr.com.

Deadline: May 26, 2023

Contact: Gan Chun, 68786122.

Graduate school

May 15, 2023

Attachment 1:HydroAsia 2023 application form.xlsx

Attachment 2:Notice on inviting young staff and postgraduates to participate in HydroAsia 2023 Study Group and About HydroAsia.docx

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